Pamela Virgo

AKA Petitepammy

Well hello hello Pammy here back again with my 3rd comedy video ( I hope you enjoyed the first two). This time I was inspired by the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that was recently on tv. The doll on the box has a fun song and doll like movements that I enjoyed recreating (my arms are knackered though haha!). Hope this video brings a smile to your face during these weird times that we are living in at the moment. Please stay safe!

What do you do when you love Reading, DIY and Disney? You combine them and make a Mickey Mouse Book Sleeve Cover I was inspired by other Youtubers that I have watched and if it includes making something I am all over it. I purchased some Disney squares of fabric from Aldi for £3.99. They come in packs of 5 so I have to think what to do with the other squares that are left. Make a cushion, make a top, hair accessories.... I could go on..... I hope you enjoy the video!

Well hello hello welcome back to my blog It's great to see you reading me. So whilst I was at Universal Studios and still in a wizarding mindset I wanted to enter Diagon Alley as a Wizard I didn't want to wear a full robe (which I haven't made yet but I am sure I will soon). So instead I thought I would make a hood that could be worn as an accessory and come in handy for a few things: 1 To look and feel like a Wizard 2 Not to have a bulky robe in my bag 3 To protect my hair if it rained (lol) 4 To be light enough to wear around my neck if I felt I didn't want to be a wizard all day So here's a video to show you how you can make your hood too. I hope you enjoyed the video and feel like making a hood of your own. You can also customise it with the colours of your houses if you feel like it but I wanted to keep mine generic.