Pamela Virgo

AKA Petitepammy

Well Hello Hello it's great to see you reading me writing to you. Have you ever thought about going on a cruise ship but was worried that there would be too many children running around. Well worry no more because they have their own special area where adults are not allowed. Let me show you where they hangout. On most cruise ships the adults can sign the children into the kids club and the children can stay there all day with the trained counsellors or they can come and go as they please. It is a very safe place for them to be and the adults are all given a pager so that they can be contacted if necessary. Most of the time your children will want to stay in the kids club for the whole cruise (which could be great for the adults if they want some alone time and a child free holiday lol!).

What do you do when you love Reading, DIY and Disney? You combine them and make a Mickey Mouse Book Sleeve Cover I was inspired by other Youtubers that I have watched and if it includes making something I am all over it. I purchased some Disney squares of fabric from Aldi for £3.99. They come in packs of 5 so I have to think what to do with the other squares that are left. Make a cushion, make a top, hair accessories.... I could go on..... I hope you enjoy the video!

Well Hello Hello it's great to see you reading me writing to you. I had a great time visiting Disney's Animal Kingdom in December, especially because I got to ride the new " Flight of Passage" Avatar ride in the park. Now you don't have to be an avid watcher of the Avatar films though I do recommend them because they are great viewing. I will admit that it took me a while to watch the movie because I thought the blue figures were going to look like weird cartoon images in a movie but you actually get invested in them and the story-line draws you in (it def drew me in). We only had a few hours in the park and my friend Mark wanted my sister and I to experience this ride that people have queued up for hours and hours to ride. ( we queued for nearly 2 hours which is half the time that others have queued up and it was worth it). Here is a video showing you some of the adventure. I did not show all of the ride because I don't want to spoil it for people.